
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Childhood Trauma
  • Relational Distress
  • Spirituality

Hannah May


Sacred Story Space

Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? Do you struggle in your relationships, feel stuck or lost? Do you keep repeating patterns you’d rather not, wishing you could break free? You are not alone. You may have experienced trauma and not know it. When people hear the word trauma, they often hear the word abuse. Abuse is trauma, but trauma lives on a spectrum. It can be as simple as being bullied, your parents getting divorced, having an exacting coach/mentor who shames, having caretakers who didn’t seem to be available, and it can follow the spectrum all the way into abusive experiences.

For the past three years, I’ve had the privilege of training with the renowned Allender Center, an organization that has empowered countless individuals to courageously engage their personal stories, leading to transformational growth. I have completed Level 1 and Level 2 in their Narrative Focused Trauma Care program (better known as Storywork), and in March, I will complete my 3rd and final level of certification.

What is Storywork? From the moment we are born, we live enstoried lives. Are there stories from your past that stay with you, and you don’t know why; are there stories you know changed the way you move through the world? Do you have a desire to better understand yourself and discover more fully who God has created you to be? As we delve into the narratives of our lives, we begin to recognize how our experiences have shaped us, and we can begin to find healing and hope in the remarkable story that God is authoring through us.

As a person who has survived trauma and who’s been on a healing journey for over 30 years, I know what it is to step into the stories of our lives and find restoration. I have experienced the gamut of care offered through counseling practices and the church. I know good care, and I know what it is when the care you seek leaves you disappointed and discouraged. Among the modalities I have found most effective, Storywork ranks at the top.

On a personal note, I spent the last 25 years of my career as a business owner whose success depended upon coaching others. I have been a mentor in recovery and lay ministries, sharing space with people who wish to transform their lives. I am wife to Greg, mother to two amazing adults and their partners, and our dog WillaBatman. I love to cook, bake, read, travel, be outdoors and inhabit space with those I love. My two highest values are love and truth.


My practice is now open, so if you’d like to learn more, you can reach me at sacredstoryspace@gmail.com, connect with me on Instagram @sacredstoryspace, or reach me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannah-may-sacredstoryspace/



Favorite Book

Any book by Henri Nouwen

Favorite Quote

“You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

John 8:32

MacBook Pro on top of brown table

Favorite Office Item

My Computer